My Chiropractor Is Out of The Office!

One of the most difficult situations people get into is having severe back or neck pain come on suddenly, and not have their chiropractor available to help immediately.

In the case of a muscle and ligament sprain which is usually caused by an old back injury or poor posture and can appear after gardening, cleaning the house, or driving long distances, the symptoms are back aches and deep muscle spasms.

Immediate home treatment is to lie down on an ice pack or frozen peas for 5-10 minutes. This will relieve some of the nerve pain and swelling. Try to elevate your legs with pillows so your back is comfortable, and the floor is better than a soft bed or couch for support. If you can get ibuprofen or acetaminophen ( Advil or Tylenol) and lots of water, the spasm may subside enough for you to walk again.

This treatment also goes for joint sprain, which is characterized by a sudden injury followed by sharp pain and stiffness. Try not to sit for extended times as this aggravates the muscle spasm. Make a call to schedule your chiropractic visit as soon as your doctor gets back.

A slipped disc (disc syndrome) usually is caused by general wear and tear, and triggered by an unguarded bending and lifting injury. The symptoms are severe leg or arm pain, and sometimes, but not always, low back or neck pain and stiffness. It may be difficult to walk or sit for pain in the upright position.

In this case, ice packs will give the most relief in the long term. Use ice on the area, lie down and relax as much as possible. Let friends or family help with chores. If ibuprofen, acetaminophen or naprosyn (Naproxen) doesn’t help, consider seeing your doctor and ask if he recommends muscle relaxants. When your chiropractor comes back, you will be prepared for a series of adjustments to give the disc space to come back into it’s normal positioning, freeing the muscle spasm and swelling.

A stiff neck is a joint sprain and muscle pull that appears out of nowhere, usually when either lifting your head and turning while sleeping or turning your head with weak neck muscles not ready for the motion. Symptoms are the inability to move the head in any way without severe sharp pain. It feels stuck in one position, and when moved sometimes has a deep shooting pain that goes into the shoulder and upper back.

In this case you can apply a heating pad or warm towel to loosen the muscle and restore circulation to the “locked up” area. If heat makes it worse, lie on ice packs or frozen peas to stop the swelling. It can go away in a couple days on its own, but can go away faster if it is adjusted as soon as your chiropractor gets back. Try gentle massage and light stretching when you are able to relieve the tension.

Although it is inconvenient to have your chiropractor out of the office, other health practitioners are a great back up.

For medical questions regarding prescriptions, see your primary physician, or urgent care doctor. For relief of muscle spasm in the case of a sprained back or neck, massage therapy is highly recommended. In case of a possibility of a slipped disc, an x-ray of the area is helpful to see the extent of the herniation and compression of the disc. Get the x-ray or MRI prescription from your regular doctor or an orthopedic specialist. Check your insurance plan for a list of doctors if you have insurance. Accupuncture is a safe method of treatment for a slipped disc as well. See if you can get in with an accupuncturist right away.

Don’t worry, we’ve got your back!